

Customised PR services

We develop communication concepts that are precisely tailored to your requirements. You can choose either a complete package for your comprehensive needs, or individual project-related services.

We have a close relationship with journalists from a wide range of print and online media. Whether dealing with technical publications or business publications - whatever medium you have in mind, your message and your brand are in good hands with us.

PR strategy and advice

Representation of clients in specialised media

Preparation of editorial plans

First point of contact for journalistic enquiries

Organisation of press meetings, events and conferences

Media monitoring and clipping


Storytelling - the centerpiece of communications

Our strength lies in transforming your highly technical product and business information into clear, meaningful messages. Starting with the captivating headline, the interesting teaser, a well-structured body text, through to your company credits and social media posts; we know how to address every target group precisely.

With a high level of technical understanding regarding your parts, materials and components, our PR team, consisting of engineers, economists and journalists, takes your words and ideas and presents them in such a way that your message can be optimally received by the respective media.

Comprehensive sustainability communications, be it about your transformation or the use of renewable energies in your company, is also part of our core business.

Topic identification and content development


Writing press releases and specialised articles


Editing technical, business and market-relevant information

Company portraits and profiles, special publications

Language management in 6 languages

Distribution and placement of press releases


Grow your network day by day

Our targeted social media strategies enable our customers to strengthen their brand, expand their network and reach new target groups. This includes the selection of relevant communication channels, as well as brainstorming and taking the right approach. Reduce the daily effort involved in social media activities and let us enter into dialogue for you. Once the content and storyline are defined, we implement a plan, create and post meaningful content, interact with your community and measure your success.

Definition of social media goals

Development of targeted strategies

Conception of your storyline

Realisation in postings

Community management

Performance measurement


Perfectly staged events from A to Z

We make sure that the world hears about your products and services. We spread your message by inviting the right media to a perfectly organised event, whether that’s a press conference or round table, trade fair event for journalists, interview, test drive or factory visit. From technical coordination to on-site service, our team is there for you. After the event, we take care of media monitoring and summarise the results. Our aim is to present your products, brands and key messages in an unmistakably positive light.

Conception and topic selection for press events

Invitation of selected media

Development of the event storyline

Creating relevant content for the press kit

Organisation and logistics

Monitoring the publications and summarising the results

We look forward to getting to know you

Please do get in touch with us. We would be delighted to develop a customised communications strategy and international PR service for you.

Phone: +49 89 89 50 159-0
